QUOTE OF THE DAY : "Without change, something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken." - Frank Herbert
SONG OF THE DAY : The Postal Service - Brand New Colony
LINK OF THE DAY : SA Goons Present :
Anti-Drug Ads
By heaven, methinks it were an easy leap
To pluck bright honour from the pale-faced moon,
Or dive into the bottom of the deep,
Where fathom-line could never touch the ground,
And pluck up drowned honour by the locks.
TWO THOUSAND AND FIVE! The future is here.
What exactly do we call this decade anyway? The 00's? How do you say that? It's interesting people are now starting to say 20-05, as it's shorter and easier to say than two thousand and five. At least when we get to 2010 we can call the decade the teens. Stupid zeros. Good bye 2004... Hello Twenty O'Five!
Had a blast clubbing at Piccadilly Circus. I'm not normally a club person, but hey it was New Years Eve. Highly entertaining.
My resolution is to eat better, and continue and improve my exercise regimen. Don't know about keeping that first one, all the food I like is probably not the best for me.
So Happy New Year everyone!
I'll leave you now with some spoilerific pictures from Star Wars Episode III. I'm a reformed Star Wars geek, but every time a new movie gets closer I become a rabid fanboy all over again.
The captions are "Look Ma no hands!" and "Haircut : Darth Vader Style"
Spoiler Pictures
Uh... Wow.
- Will