QUOTE OF THE DAY : "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln
SONG OF THE DAY : Frank Sinatra - Summer Wind
LINK OF THE DAY : We're on Titan... Nutty.
Not in the legions
Of horrid hell can come a devil more damn'd
In evils to top Macbeth.
I wish this were a more informative blog. But it's just personal crap for now. Had a highly entertaining evening of poker and alcohol, came in third out of five, which is better than usual, so no complaints here.
Recently, I went out for a production of Macbeth, expecting to maybe get a small part. And then BAM! MacDuff! That's a huge part, and now I'm all afraid I won't be able to do it. Should be fun. I can read the stuff fine, it's the memorization of the lines that's going to kill me. More than I bargained for... But hey... Should be fun.
On to other matters though. Political punditry can usually be boiled down to simple partisan hackery, but
Stephen Taylor is a welcome exception to this quotidian occurrence. He and several others started
Blogging Tories.ca. Great to see people finally sticking it to the Liberals, and you know... Demanding accountability from the government and such, something that has been lacking the last decade or so. Good work gents.
Going to Whistler next weekend, noice!
- Will