QUOTE OF THE DAY : I have a fantasy where Ted Turner is elected President but refuses because he doesn't want to give up power. -Arthur C. Clarke
SONG OF THE DAY : TV on the Radio - Satellite
LINK OF THE DAY : My Anchorman Review Got Published!
The little foolery that wise men have makes a great show.
I believe I would give my left nut to see this film.
Finally got a job. I'm cooking and washing dishes at a small restaurant on Queen Street. Me cooking??? Yes, I'm just as amazed as you, but there I was doing it last night... and will be again tonight.
My dad was in the hospital this week. He was recovering from some elective surgery he had.
Now, I have to pose a question... what kind of pathetic fuck steals somebody's clothes and belongings out of their hospital locker, while they're laid up in bed? Oh, I think I just answered my own question there. A pathetic, cowardly fuck. I was so pissed.
This is some quality shit right here.
Mario Music on Piano : The Crack Edition.
that is all.