The Sixth Estate
Monday, March 15, 2004
QUOTE OF THE DAY : "Have you ever imagined a world with no hypothetical situations?" - Unknown

SONG OF THE DAY : Zack de la Rocha and DJ Shadow - March of Death

LINK OF THE DAY : An Ignorant American's Guide to Canada.

True hope is swift, and flies with swallow's wings;
Kings it makes gods, and meaner creatures kings.

How could you stay mad at this?

Wow. Who knew that other Canadians hated Toronto so much?!

I guess I've never really thought about it too much, but there seems to be a growing dislike of my fair city. I encountered some subdued contempt for my hometown from a few fellow Canadians, but I didn't really pay it any mind.

This is just one of the many articles I've read on the subject of how much "Toronto Sucks!"

I was born in Toronto. North York actually, but it's part of the city now. I've lived in Halifax, Vancouver and Toronto. I think I have a good gauge of what Canada is. Many Canadians outside Toronto, most of whom have never even been to the city will look down on you if you say you're from Toronto. They've made broad generalizations and assumptions about people from Toronto for some reason. Is it because they have met a rude person from Toronto? Probably, but I'd like to think we export more cool people than jerks. There is a simple ratio for jerks to cool people.

For every 10 people, 4 will be jerks, and 6 will be cool. If this ratio proves true, it means that Toronto; a city of nearly 5 million has a lot of jerks. Is it my fault that they were rude to you? No.

I don't make snap judgements about the rest of Canada, because I've lived in the region you're from, I have friends in your area, and I like visiting your city or town. I won't come in and say "HEY I'M FROM TORONTO! I MOCK YOUR SHITTY LITTLE TOWN AND MY CITY IS FAR SUPERIOR TO YOURS!" And yet people expect me to, because I'm from York.

In the U.S., the jerk to cool people ratio must be a little higher, because I've met more American jerks in my travels than cool people. Which is a shame, because I love you guys. I don't like your government but I have no beef with you. So to the jerks I say, quit being jerks and ruining it for the cool Americans.

I say the same thing to the jerks from Toronto, quit ruining for the rest of us! Especially me!

"Cool, you're Canadian. Where you from?"

"Calgary. You?"

"Nice, I know some people there. Toronto."

"Oh... I see."

I'm a proud Canadian, I just want what is best for this country. I'll always stick up for my countrymen, I won't judge you, so don't judge me.

It actually upsets me, this hatred towards my birthplace, the city I love and call home. Of course I have pride in where I'm from, you have pride in where you're from and I would expect no less. It's a cool place to live, and I'm going to let people know that when I'm abroad, but I'm not going to have this holier than though attitude that people might expect.

I'll close with this. If you have some strange hatred for Toronto, based on nothing but what you've heard. Come try it out. You might like it. And if you don't, then you don't, but making snap judgements is retarded. I only make fun of places I've been if I don't like them, because I've been there and know. You're entitled to your opinion, but at least speak from an educated perspective, or you do look like an ignorant country bumpkin. Ever think that maybe that was the reason why we say what we say about rural people? Broad generalizations work both ways, I'm only going to speak from experience and expect you to do the same.

FARKERS! I WANT A FARK PARTY! Email me and we can organize something!


- Will



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