QUOTE OF THE DAY : "We are not retreating - we are advancing in another Direction."
--General Douglas MacArthur
SONG OF THE DAY : The Strokes - 12:51
LINK OF THE DAY : The Governator
We have seen the best of our times.
Machinations, hollowness, treachery,
And all ruinous disorders follow us disquietly to our graves.
Well, any second now it's going to start raining frogs. All the first born sons will die and the Four Horsemen will ride again. I think the world is going to end soon. Arnold Schwarzenegger is now the Governor-Elect of California. Or CALIFOURNIA as he would say.
I can't say I'm surprised. I mean if I had to choose between Gray Davis or Arnold... I'd have to go with Arnold. As the lesser of two goofballs. I wish Mr. Schwarzenegger all the best, and I hope he helps fix California.
Since I'm a socially moderate, fiscally conservative Tory, I think Arnold is my kind politician.
I'm not going to discuss all that groping and Hitler envy talk that came up in the past few days. I think most of it was just dirty politics.
As for the other candidates, it was quite a circus. Surprisingly Gary Coleman came in 6th... with over 5000 votes.
And Pornstar Mary Carey got almost 4000 votes.
I'm just thankful that Arianna "Demi-bitch-Liberal-Idiot" Huffington dropped out and spared all of California.
I knew too much about this California Recall... That's what happens when you're a news junkie.
What else can I say ? Hmmm... What else IS there to say ?
This is pretty fucked up... for lack a better expression.
Odd times we live in... truly odd times.